Software tester and automation engineer since 2010, with years-long experience with Robot Framework. Passionate about this technology, and about teaching people around me about it, and how to make best of it. During the years I've used Robot Framework with almost every library imaginable, in almost all imaginable settings. The projects I was involved in were as diverse as possible: e-commerce platform, desktop logistic software, CAD software for car design, dental x-ray management software, internet marketing automation software, API platform, you name it. For past 3 years I had been building a test department of about 10 people that is introducing Robot Framework as leading automation solution at one of the major German companies producing printshop equipment.
- Printing Robots

Working in testing for past 12 or so years, developed many testing frameworks and tools, helped companies of different sizes to setup testing and automation. Founded development & testing company Continero in 2018 and sharing the words of quality and proper development standards. Working with RF for past 4 years and lovin it!
- Our way to visual RF coding

Ed Manlove is a Robot Framework community member and leader who is dedicated to building up the community. Currently he is a member of the SeleniumLibrary team and helps lead the ecosystem of projects around web testing using Selenium. He has been a part of the Robot Framework community since 2011. Most recently Ed has been a Robot Framework Coach and Mentor consulting with a few clients and creating targeted robot training courses for them. You can see his latest contributions on his GitHub profile.
- Expert Panel (Live)
- Community Open Space
- Welcome to RoboCon 2023

Elmar works both as a researcher and a founder. Elmar wrote his PhD thesis on static code analysis and is still active as a researcher in software quality analysis. In 2009, he co-founded CQSE GmbH and since helps teams in using analysis tools more effectively. Elmar frequently talks at research conferences (e.g. ICSE, ICPC) and industry events (e.g. GTD, OOP, JAX). He was elected best speaker at some of them. Elmar was named Junior Fellow of the German Chapter of the ACM in 2015.
- Fast Feedback Despite Slow Test Suites? Test-Impact-Analysis for the Robot Framework

Technology enthusiast with 5+ years of experience in RPA in multiple roles and industries. Interested in applying the newest innovations to solving user needs at scale.
Currently working as the Head of Platform Products at Robocorp, building the next generation of automation tools to reduce tedious manual work in different domains.
- What's different between RPA and test automation

I'm the main developer for the Robot Framework Language Server (sponsored by Robocorp) as well as PyDev (Eclipse plugin for Python), the PyDev Debugger (used in PyDev, VSCode-python and PyCharm) and PyVmMonitor (tool to profile Python).
- VSCode tips and tricks for Robot Framework development

- 2013-present application engineering and validation/verification engineering at ams-osram
- 2011 – 2013 home automation at intrate(c)
- 2010 – 2011 RMA engineer at infineon
- 2009 graduation at the university of applied sciences FH JOANEUM
- 2007 – 2010 mixed signal ASIC development at FH JOANEUM
- 2008 participation at the CERN Summer Student programe
- 2001 – 2005 industrial automation at intrate(c)
- Ninja robots

Test Automation Specialist in the world of consulting. I have been in the industry 3+ years and more to come.
- The tales of the robot developers - how to make friends as a consultant

Hi. I’m Joe Colantonio, founder of Test Guild – I'm the host of the longest-running podcast on automation testing, the Test Guild Automation podcast est. in 2014 (formerly TestTalks), and the creator of AutomationGuild (est. 2017), the premium, annual online event for test automation engineers.
- Expert Panel (Live)
- RoboCon Opening / Robot Framework Foundation

I have been a tester for roughly 18 years and currently working at Secureworks as a QA Tech Lead for the Taegis Agent Team. I have worked in agency and product companies. I love testing, and have an insatiable curiosity for researching anything related to testing. At the moment I am most interested in experimenting with software test oracles, machine learning tools, fuzz testing, model based testing, and learning more about rapid software testing methodology (https://www.satisfice.com/).
- Robot Framework and endpoint detection agents at Secureworks

Engineering Director at Robocorp responsible for development tools.
I started my developer journey with Symbian and loved it.
In the almost 20 years since then have touched a bunch of languages and tech. stacks along the way C, C++, Qt, Java, .NET, Silverlight, Ember.js, most databases, etc.
I would like my title to be just "Software Janitor" as that has somewhat been my role through the years.
- RCC - Take control of your Robot Framework runs

Katarina Partti is a test automation consultant with a curious mind and interest in many things. As an agronomist (M. Sc) they are as familiar with milking robots as with the software robots they use in everyday work.
- The tales of the robot developers - how to make friends as a consultant

Music Composer with a passion for technology (and a decent paycheck). I have been working for software development companies for 14 years. Automation has been my core focus for the last 8 years utilizing various scripting tools and languages for tests and other processes.
I am an avid sourdough break baker (even pre-pandemic), home brewer, and Raspberry Pi tinkerer. I am an active musician in my area playing Horn (French Horn) and British Tenor Horn. My happy place is writing and arranging music for the groups I play.
While not officially diagnosed, I am a gnome-a-holic and do not plan to go into any recovery program for the malady.
- You got your Robot Framework in my Python

A DevOps engineer with experience in Agile methodology and experience of test automation, passionate to automate processes and create tools that make the work easier.
- Know your Robot

I'm a QA Engineer at DB Schenker and like to help projects getting started with their Test Automation journey. And most of the times, it involves Robot Framework.
I love the dicussions Slack channel with the community about Robot Framework and its ecosystem and I'm always impressed with the detailed information and help I get there.
In my freetime I often like to spend time with the family. If I have too much time, I grab my guitar which is catching dust or play some video games.
- Expert Panel (Live)
- "To infinity and beyond" - Serverless scaling with AWS Lambda

Markus is test automat architect at global quality assurence deparment at Arvato Systems. With his colleagues from around the world, he provides assistance for test automation to internal projects. He is long term user and contributor to both Robot Framework and Camunda. Markus is also part of the Camunda Champion program.
- How workflow engines integrate manual and automated test cases

QA Engineer with 7+ years of experience but most importantly an open-source software enthusiast and creator with a dedication to clean code principles and a pragmatic programming. Spent last few years on focusing his effort around testing frameworks, especially to make testing more accessible activity while not forgetting about making it more fun.
- Open-source is a multi-player game

As the Executive Director at Robot Framework Ry, I lead the growth and development of the association, which has evolved around the Robot Framework tool and community.
- RoboCon Opening / Robot Framework Foundation

Software engineering lead at Robocorp working on Automation Studio. Strong background in Python, test automation, and RPA. Passion for creating good products.
- Creating a low-code editor for Robot Framework

Pekka Klärck is a tester, developer and independent consultant from Finland with experience from testing and test automation since 2000. He is the lead developer of Robot Framework and thus knows the framework and the ecosystem around it extremely well.
- Expert Panel (Live)
- Welcome to RoboCon 2023

Working for CGI since 1996
Married, 3 children
Living in Assen (Netherlands)
- How to run a large and diverse regression test in parallel on multiple servers

Renaldi Gondosubroto is a Software Developer from Seek Limited, where he works on the backend of the home page which is accessed by all jobseekers who search for jobs on the site as well as the infrastructure which powers it. Previously he has worked as a .NET software developer for automobile companies and has been active within the research community; putting a lot of his research focus within IoT and virtual reality. Having spoken at 20+ events and conferences, he has also been active on the open source community for the past five years, building solutions on the cloud and sharing his experiences and projects.
- DevSecOps as a Culture with the Robot Framework

René Rohner is a Senior Consultant for Testing Systems, Product Owner of the Value Stream Test Automation at imbus in Germany and Chairman of the board of Robot Framework Foundation.
He is member of the Core Team of Robot Framework Browser and developer of Robot Framework DataDriver. He is trainer and coach for Keyword-Driven Testing in multiple small and huge projects in Germany.
- RoboCon Opening / Robot Framework Foundation

Samuel Tillinghast is a software engineer from Buffalo, NY. He has a BS in Computer Science from Rochester Institute of Technology and has worked at Buffalo Computer Graphics in test automation since 2020. He is a big fan of indie music and will sing along to almost any song from the 80s. He looks forward to meeting people at RoboCon and learning and sharing with everyone else.
- How Painful IS It To Move From SeleniumLibrary To Browser Library?

Simon Meggle lives near Augsburg (DE). Since his first contact with the tool "Nagios" in early 2000, the topic "monitoring" has accompanied him his whole professional life: as an IT administrator in various industries, then as a consultant from 2011. With the foundation of his company ELABIT GmbH in 2018, he has finally specialized on the monitoring tool "Checkmk".
During the 2020 pandemic, he developed the Checkmk extension "Robotmk" to integrate Robot Framework, which gained a lot of attention in the monitoring community.
Since 2022, he works among others for Checkmk as "Principal Product Manager" in the Synthetic Monitoring area to establish Synthetic Monitoring in the monitoring world.
- Edge detection - a new way to perform image-based UI testing

Born with sharp thinking, sense of detail and a cheeky mouth, I thrilled my teachers—both in the positive (maths, physics) and the negative (PE etc.) way. I worked as a scientist and a software developer; however, 8 years ago I found the area matching my unique blessings and curses the most: software testing. Nowadays I annoy my teammates and bosses in the greatest Czech bank: Česká spořitelna. One of my professional interests is explaining everyone why their code in Robot Framework (or Python or any other language) is dirty, fragile, slow, or simply terrible. The other one is creating internal standards of doing almost everything. I also like to mentor juniors to turn them into the same beasts as I am. My personal interest is studying at universities and thus I just completed 30th year of my school attendance.
- Aren't your selectors too stable?