Samuel Tillinghast

Samuel Tillinghast is a software engineer from Buffalo, NY. He has a BS in Computer Science from Rochester Institute of Technology and has worked at Buffalo Computer Graphics in test automation since 2020. He is a big fan of indie music and will sing along to almost any song from the 80s. He looks forward to meeting people at RoboCon and learning and sharing with everyone else.


How Painful IS It To Move From SeleniumLibrary To Browser Library?
Samuel Tillinghast

As Playwright battles for the hearts and minds of Selenium die-hards, we made the decision to see what Playwright could do. Follow along as we make the switch from a Selenium Library-based set of tests to Browser Library. Some aspects were seamless while others have proven to be far less so. And finally, what DID we get? Stop by and find out!

Gather Town