Open-source is a multi-player game
2023-03-02 , Gather Town

With open-source comes great responsibility. Or something like that...
Working on open-source project is fun, but also a lot of hard decisions one need to make in order to maintain it and gain the trust from the community.
This talk will bring you the best practices and tricks that will make the contribution a pleasant journey for you and others.

the talk will be conducted by well-known duo of Robot Framework contributors - Mateusz Nojek and Bartłomiej Hirsz. Their 4 open-source RF-related projects reached over 1 million downloads and are being constantly improved with a help of the community. After several years of experience in contributing, creating and maintaining open-source projects, they are finally ready to share their best practices, tips & tricks that will help the others make the world a better place... at least the open-source world ;)
After this presentation you will know:
- how to share the work between you and others
- how to communicate with the community by issues and pull requests

QA Engineer with 7+ years of experience but most importantly an open-source software enthusiast and creator with a dedication to clean code principles and a pragmatic programming. Spent last few years on focusing his effort around testing frameworks, especially to make testing more accessible activity while not forgetting about making it more fun.