The tales of the robot developers - how to make friends as a consultant
03-02, 12:00–12:30 (UTC), Gather Town

As a consultant you work in very different kinds of projects; small, big, some are growing from small to big, sometimes you start from a scratch or sometimes not. In this talk we discuss strategies of making clean and manageable robot framework scripts so that everybody wants to be your friend; especially the customer and the one after you.

Katarina Partti and Jenna Lindroos are test automation consultants with experience on different kinds of projects. As a consultant you know you're probably not the first and definitely not the last to touch those automation scripts so it is very important to make it as understandable and easy as possible. This talk is about different kinds of Robot Framework projects and how to deal with them on a concrete level. We discuss about documentation, keywords etc.

Katarina Partti is a test automation consultant with a curious mind and interest in many things. As an agronomist (M. Sc) they are as familiar with milking robots as with the software robots they use in everyday work.

Test Automation Specialist in the world of consulting. I have been in the industry 3+ years and more to come.