DevSecOps as a Culture with the Robot Framework
03-02, 11:00–11:30 (UTC), Gather Town

In the Work From Home culture, DevSecOps has been getting more important than ever before due to the rise in cybercrime. This talk will discuss how to implement and manage testing with the Robot Framework in projects within teams and how to create an iterative development approach as part of it.

DevSecOps, with its principle that stresses that everyone is responsible for security, has become a practice that has been more popular than ever in the Work From Home (WFH) culture. In the development of DevSecOps-related projects, testing has been an integral part of the culture. Many teams working with the agile framework have already adopted the practice, with some still transitioning to getting accustomed to the practice in comparison to the traditional DevOps approach to testing.

This talk will discuss how testing with the Robot Framework within DevSecOps contrasts with the traditional DevOps approach within the agile environment, and show how to manage testing with the framework from start to finish. This will include how to plan for testing within DevSecOps, how writing test suites with the framework differs when we want to ensure that everyone is responsible to security, feedback mechanisms in standup meetings and how to maintain the culture within testing teams. This will also include implementing and managing the culture of iterative development, which requires continuous development of test suites as needed according to updates that are made, keeping security in applications as the top priority. Finally, I will talk about how these tests can then be automated in a DevSecOps context with a Cloud provider such as, in this case, Azure.

I will support my talk with a case study regarding the testing using Robot Framework done on one of my projects. Attendees will leave the talk feeling ready to implement the DevSecOps framework on their projects, and get the most out of security with the Robot Framework by doing so. As the WFH culture is going to stay for quite some time, it is going to be quite imperative to understand the DevSecOps culture to best prepare for it.

Renaldi Gondosubroto is a Software Developer from Seek Limited, where he works on the backend of the home page which is accessed by all jobseekers who search for jobs on the site as well as the infrastructure which powers it. Previously he has worked as a .NET software developer for automobile companies and has been active within the research community; putting a lot of his research focus within IoT and virtual reality. Having spoken at 20+ events and conferences, he has also been active on the open source community for the past five years, building solutions on the cloud and sharing his experiences and projects.