franz haas

  • 2013-present application engineering and validation/verification engineering at ams-osram
  • 2011 – 2013 home automation at intrate(c)
  • 2010 – 2011 RMA engineer at infineon
  • 2009 graduation at the university of applied sciences FH JOANEUM
  • 2007 – 2010 mixed signal ASIC development at FH JOANEUM
  • 2008 participation at the CERN Summer Student programe
  • 2001 – 2005 industrial automation at intrate(c)


Ninja robots
franz haas

In my experience as a solo user with limited to no access to reviews, these tools and techniques allowed me to be successful, with purpose build keyword libraries

1.git, especially git bisect and log -S

2.advanced unit testing with pytest, xray, and hypothesis

3.measurable complexity with radon

4.Therefore orthogonally structured code

Gather Town