RoboCon 2022

Project and package management: Poetry for robots
05-19, 14:24–14:34 (Europe/Helsinki), Main Hall

While setting up a Robot Framework project seems easy enough, without proper package management it may work on your machine, but will it work in the pipeline?

In this talk, I explain why dependency management is important and how poetry can be used for this. I'll show examples of how poetry can be used to package and distribute RF packages.

While the typical pip install robotframework seems easy enough, when more packages and dependencies are involved, a simple requirements.txt is often no longer enough to ensure that everything works, both locally as well as on other machines.

Within the Python eco system, there are multiple tools available for package and environment management. poetry is one of such tools that offers a complete solution for the different aspects of project configuration that makes it at good fit for Robot Framework projects. Robots love poetry!

In this talk I'll discuss the different aspects of managing a Robot Framework repo and how poetry supports it. This will cover dependency management, environment isolation, packaging and distribution / publishing.

Links from the talk:
demo repo

Robin has over 15 years of experience in the testing profession where test automation has always been an important part of his work. The past 7 years he has specialized in Python and the Robot Framework. After many years of working in R&D teams in high-tech SMEs he recently moved into consultancy as a test automation specialist.

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