RoboCon 2022

Introducing OpenApiDriver...and OpenApiLibCore!
05-20, 12:30–12:55 (Europe/Helsinki), Main Hall

Testing a REST API, many testers will have experience with this. In many cases, this means going to the API's Swagger page and writing test cases based on that. But is all that manual work really necessary? In this talk, I introduce two libraries I developed to automate much of this manual work.

For an implementation of a JSON REST API based on the OpenAPI 3.0 standard, I was tasked with validating that the API was indeed implemented according to the standard. Knowing that the openapi document (Swagger document) contains all the information about the available endpoints and what data is sent/received, I looked for a way to generate and execute the test cases instead of writing them.

The result is an open source library for the Robot Framework, the robotframework-openapidriver that is available on the MarketSquare. After releasing OpenApiDriver, I realize that much of the core logic of the library would also be valuable to other library developers and I decided to extract this logic and publish it as a separate library, robotframework-openapi-libcore

In this presentation, I will give a brief introduction to these libraries.

Robin has over 15 years of experience in the testing profession where test automation has always been an important part of his work. The past 7 years he has specialized in Python and the Robot Framework. After many years of working in R&D teams in high-tech SMEs he recently moved into consultancy as a test automation specialist.

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